Sunday, July 26, 2009

I'm back with two more

After not really reading anything for a few months, I jumped back into it with two books in one week. Here they are.

Deadly Diversion-Eleanor Sullivan.

This medical mystery is written by a nurse from St. Louis. So, being in the medical field myself, and from St. Louis, I figured I'd check it out. Patients in the ICU at St. Teresa's Hospital (if you're from St. Louis, read this as St. Alexius) Are mysteriously dieing. Head nurse Monika Everhardt is trying to figure out why. I found this book to be extremely slow, so slow in fact that the reader doesn't find out what is going on until the last few pages. (also, the use of "Ed Crewe's ice cream instead of Ted Drew's really pissed me off.) That being said, I actually kind of enjoyed this book. I'd give it 3 1/2 stars out of 5.

I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell-Tucker Max.

Tucker Max is my hero. Ok not really. Tucker Max is a womanizing ass hole. But, this collection of amusing anecdotes from his life of debauchery is really funny if, like my, you find drunken idiots funny. Some random story tittles from the book: The Blowjob Follies, Tucker fucks a fat girl; hilarity ensues, Floss, Tucker tries buttsex; hilarity does not ensue, and The absinthe Donuts Story. Warning: This book is not for those with weak stomachs.

Stay tuned for more...